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Shark and Ray Tagging and BRUVS Deployment
Santa Elena Bay, Costa Rica
May 25-28, 2023

The Mission Goal:

Sample threatened sharks and rays to study their movement behavior and ecology to inform future conservation.

Mission Activities:

1. Bottom longline fishing to capture sharks and rays for tagging and biological measurements.

2. Fly drone surveys to count sharks and rays present in sample sites.

3. Mangrove and rocky reef snorkeling to capture rays for tagging and biological measurements.

Join PREH.WORLD on a scientific research experience in Santa Elena Bay, Costa Rica. Surrounded by the lush tropical dry forest of Santa Rosa National Park, this bay is a nursery and aggregation site for various threatened shark and ray species. Guests will be able to observe species including Pacific nurse sharks, chupare rays, and pacific eagle rays; and interact closely with them for research both in and out the water.

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